Photograph taken at night and showing the lower section of the new head office premises of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation taking shape in Hong Kong

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Photograph of work taking place on the north-west mast during construction for the new head office premises of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation in Hong Kong
Photograph taken by the war memorial of the newly constructed premises of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation head office in Hong Kong
Photograph of the construction site at night, taken from the front of the new building. It shows the first suspension truss being installed at levels 11 and 12. At this point in the project, floodlights were affixed to the underside of cranes and steel was being erected 24 hours every day and night.
19 Sep 1983
HSBC Reference Number
HK HSBCPH 0140-0014-0010-0003
Archive Record Type
1 photograph
Photographer Name
Ian Lambot
Material reproduced by kind agreement of Ian Lambot